Zoya Surf Collection Swatches and a Recap

Good afternoon loves and happy Friday (The 13th o.O)!!

  Today I get to show you the flashier half of Zoya's Summer 2012 Collections. This is the Surf Collection for Summer 2012. This half consist of Six totally amazing and eye-poppin metallic- foil colors. Zoya always shines (badum tsssss no pun intended lol) when it comes to flashy Summer Collections. I really loved last years Sunshine Collection but I think Surf might have just knocked Sunshine down a few places for the spot of my favorite Summer colors. I have nothing else like these in my entire collection.
 Now... You should seriously consider reading the rest because I'd hate for you guys to miss out on these amazing colors!

  These all had beyond amazing formulas. They all practically apply themselves and are all Two coaters. All of them were pretty opaque and fully covered in one coat but I did Two just 'cause. These dry pretty quick and I did not have an issue with Seche shrinking these particular Zoya colors.

Zoya Zuza
 I think this color got the most hype when swatches and promo shots first started popping up and with good reason. This color is PERFECT. This is a bright Aqua foil packed full of shimmer and it seems to glow from within. Summer in a bottle...

Zoya Myrta
 Myrta is an uber hawt shade of metallic Red based Orange foil. Myrta has some hints of Golden micro shimmer that warm the base up and give the color that glow-y quality we've been seeing in our Oranges lately. This is not a dupe of CG Riveting for those of you who were wondering.

Zoya Rory
 Rory is a Lavender- Pink foil with tons of Silver microshimmer. I almost wish this would have had the Golden hints in the base as well to warm this color up a little bit, but I still really like it. It's like girly robot nails.

Zoya Carly
 Enter the Zoya Purple :D. It's not a Zoya collection without some form of an awesome Green or an awesome Purple... At least that seems to be the trend lol. Anywho, this is the most stunning shade of deep Plummy metallic foil. There isn't anything I could say about this color that the pictures don't say themselves... Just too beautiful!

Zoya Meg
 Meg is Apple's more Silvery and Foil-y sister. They are in the same family of Lime Green just different finishes. Meg is a very smooth Silvery- metallic foil where Apple is micro glassfleck in a light Green jelly base with hints of Gold. See what I mean about all their collections having some form of season- appropriate Green of Purple hee hee?

Zoya Kimber
 Kimber is CG Strawberry Fields on steroids. This color is much Pinkier in real life but all the Golden shimmer was making my camera pick it up as coral. But you basically take SF and make it a foil, make it more vibrant, dense, give it an AMAZING formula and you've got Kimber. This is the only shade in the Surf Collection that does not have Silvery tones in it.

Just for fun here are both collections together.
Aren't they just so pretty! I don't know that any other Summer collection will be as beautiful as these. They are vibrant, clean, unique and fun. Fun is key when releasing a Summer collection. Another thing I'm loving is how well these Two groups compliment each other. I get that was the point but WOW! I love how they are complimentary and not just shimmery versions of the cremes or visa- versa. Bravo Zoya!! Well done!


(**Zoya products sent for review**)

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