Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Lit up in Zoya Blues

Happy Hump day (even though it is actually my Monday:-/)!!

  Today I have swatches of Two of my all time favorite Blues. Surprise, surprise- They are by Zoya. Ok, so that's not really a surprise but more of a well known fact lol. When it comes to making a beautiful Blue or Green, Zoya has it down to a Science. Here are Two of such epic shades.

Zoya Tallulah
 Tallulah is one of my most used polishes ever. Whenever something calls for Blue I have to force myself to look past Tallulah or none of my other Blue shades would ever get worn. I seriously LOVE this polish. This shade of shimmery Cerulean Blue will put you in Summer mode even its -10 degrees outside. It goes without saying that the formula on this beauty is absolutely perfect in Two coats.

Zoya Robyn
 Robyn, Robyn.... Robyn! It's mo' fudging Robyn! This is one of the most amazing creme polishes in my collection. Out of ALL the creme shades I have this one holds a special place in my heart. Why? Well let's see... It's the loveliest shade of vivid Sky Blue. It is creamy. It is very saturated with color. The formula is perfect.... Once again- Summer perfection in Two easy coats of color.
  Now I'm ready for a Pina Colada, a hammock and some Sun. This gets me to thinking.... I should do some Zoya Greens soon. Zoya Greens take the Green cake by far and wide in my book.

Thoughts on Tallulah and Robyn?

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