Orly Snowcone

This is one of "those" polishes. One of those that you see in the store and you pick it up. You rationalize with yourself that you don't need it, so you put it back on the shelf.... And you do this each and every time you see this particular polish. Then after six months you finally cave and actually purchase it! That was my love affair with this polish.

Orly Snowcone
This is 2 coats that applied beautifully. In fact, I could have gotten away with just one coat.
I've very glad that I wasn't disappointed with it.

I then stamped BM308 using Konad Special White.

I'm curious to see how well this polish works to stamp with, seeing as how it was opaque after 1 coat. I'll be sure to document my experiments ;)

Do you have any of "those" polishes that you haven't commited to buying yet? Doesn't it drive you nuts?!

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