31 Day Challenge 2012! Day Seventeen: Glitter

Good evening anf happy Friday! 

  Better late than never right? Yesterday was supposed to be day 17 of the 31 Day Challenge and I completely forgot and got wrapped up in a swatch-a-thon of massive proportions. Day 17 of the challenge calls for Glittery nails. This look features loose glitter burnished onto a White base. 
 I started with a base of Milani White on the Spot. The glitter came from loose glitter pots that I got back in June when Premiere Orlando came to town. There really isn't much to this look other than working fast with the glitter before your top coat dries. The main thing is LOTS of top coat because the loose glitter is extremely gritty and very TC hungry. There are Two coats of Seche Vite and one of INM Northern Lights on my nails for this pic. 

  I really like how these turned out. I think my favorite nail is the Index finger. The blending is really smooth. What do you think of this use of loose glitter? Now don't forget to stop by my challenge partners Rie and Sam's to see their Glittery looks for day 17!

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