China Glaze Textured Skittles with In the Rough, Bump & Grind and Of Coarse!

(**Press Sample**)
Good morning and happy Wednesday! 

  Today I have a, sort of, skittle look with Three of the new China Glaze Texture polishes. When I was organizing my desk last weekend, these Three colors ended up together. I loved how they looked together so much that I went with a "middle-nail-accent-thing." I got many compliments on this mani. The colors are very fun, bright and Summery. 
One and a half hours after application
The polishes I am wearing are In the Rough, Bump & Grind and Of Coarse!. In the Rough is a Chartreuse creme with a textured finish. None of these sparkle. They all dry to a slightly rubbery finish with a concrete-like texture. This was the sheerest of the shades and needed Three coats, wait in between coats. These apply best in a slow steady manner. Let the brush do the work and don't apply pressure so that the textured bits apply evenly. Bump and Grind is a bright Raspberry creme texture. This shade is really bright  and saturated with color. I could have almost gotten away with one coat of this rich shade. I used Two coats. Of Coarse is a bright, pool liner Blue, creme texture. The formula on this shade is also ridiculously saturated, I used Two coats. These dried fairly fast, no slower or faster than any of the other textures to have come out so far.
Shady to show texture better
 Now... The wear on these disappointing. The Chartreuse shade, In the Rough, chipped within the same day of application. Bump & Grind chipped on the Second day. Of Coarse, the Blue shade was wearing OK. I'm really not sure why these wore so poorly on me. All of the other textured polishes I have tried have worn like iron on me!
 Also, someone mentioned that these Three particular shades are slightly reminiscent of Zoya's Mod Mattes in terms on the colors (Lolly, Phoebe & Mitzi), and they are... If you enjoyed those Three shades, and the matte finish, you might like these. I want to give these another shot, I'm hoping for better wear next time around, because I like the shades. I also like the concrete like finish. I know this is one of those "love it or leave it" type of finishes, but I really dig it.
45 min. after application
 I also have some exciting news! I had the honor of being interviewed for the Nail It! magazine website. I am so excited and so grateful to have this great opportunity! It is crazy to go to the home page of a magazine and seeing my face there! WHAT?!!

Have you given the China Glaze Texture polishes a go? How was the wear for you? I'm curious to see if it was, hopefully, a fluke :-S. Let me know in the comments how it went for you if you tried these out! 

(**Press Sample**)

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