Ruby Wing - Festival Paint Collection - Electric Firefly & Crowd Surf

These are a few of the color changing Ruby Wing polishes from this summer's collection "Festival Paint."

Electric Firefly
(Can be found here for $10)
Turns from neon yellow with green shimmer (exact dupe for Color Club Get Your Lem-on) to an orange shimmer in the sunlight.

The neon is so bright it'll make your eyes bleed. This is 2 coats over a white polish base.

In direct sunlight, the polish transitions to orange. 
The shimmer is still the same, but it looks less obviously green.

Crowd Surf
(Can be found here for $10)
Changes from neon pink/purple to a deep magenta in sunlight. 
Note that it also dries to a semi-matte/rubbery finish.

Indoors, bright pinkish purple. This is just 2 coats.

In direct sunlight, the color transition is quick.

Here I shielded my index nail from the sun while the other nails darkened. 
Then took a quite shot to compare them side by side.
 *These products were sent for review as part of the Color Society Bloggers Network*

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