Dazzle Dry - Frozen Lemonade, Fast Track Cherry, & Grape Lollipop

Dazzle Dry was kind enough to send me some polishes to review, and I was intrigued by not only their color selection, but also their claims to dry fast & be chip free for up to 4 weeks.
Each polish can be purchased for $9 each, and the Trinity Kit can be purchased for $28.50.

They are fast-drying, nitrocellulose-free, "5-free," hypoallergenic. Made in the U.S.A, and sold in Asia, Australia, and most recently, the United Kingdom.
"Dries in 5 minutes or less, has a gel-like, rock-hard finish, and is even safe for pregnant and nursing moms! And, unlike many conventional nail polishes, also free of  nitrocellulose. That's why they guarantee their polish is NON-yellowing and completely safe on your nails."

First up is their "Trinity Kit" which has the Nail Prep (which nourishes, strengthens your nails and promotes adhesion), Base Coat & Top Coat.
Their base coat dries to a matte finish and the top coat is quite THICK. Thicker than the bottom dregs of a Seche Vite bottle. It does dry within 5 minutes like they claim, and has a very glossy gel like shine.
*The polish colors themselves are each very thick and gloopy. I worried they would never dry, but that wasn't the case. They just applied differently compared to other polish brands in my stash.

Frozen Lemonade - creamy yellow.
For each swatch I used the Trinity Kit to prep, base coat, 2 coats of polish, then top coat.
2 coats was all that was needed to get complete coverage. No streaks or uneven patches. Very impressive for a yellow!

Fast Track Cherry - standard red creme. Very glossy finish. Even coverage with just 2 coats.

Grape Lollipop - neon purple creme finish. This one was the only one that was a bit patchy and uneven. Pictured is 2 coats, but even after a third, it still seemed darker in some areas. :(

I wanted to do a wear test and my sister volunteered to be the guinea pig. She can wear one color of polish a lot longer than I can. Here she is after I applied Grape Lollipop to her nails and followed to exact instructions contained in the Trinity Kit packaging.

Within 13 hours she already had a few corners chipping. This picture was taken after 4 days (with her cell phone, so excuse the color inaccuracy and fuzziness) you can see it had some pretty funky chipping and wear after that amount of time. She doesn't do anything extreme with her hands either. She has a toddler and works as a nurse like me, so I felt she provided a pretty neutral wear test. I'm not sure how one could manage to get 4 weeks chip free with this polish, but I feel it wears about the same as any polish in my stash. Usually after a few days, I have chips show up no matter the brand.
*These products were provided for review*

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