Thursday, December 22, 2011

Peculiar Polish Series - Tank Girl

It's another Dark Thursday and time for an episode of Peculiar Polish! Nev from Nevorpurify's Nail Art  is helping me out by designing looks that might be on the darker side of the cartoon/comic spectrum. If you have a dark suggestion for her, just fill out the embedded form at the bottom of the page!
Here's Nev!

I'll be the first to admit that I really didn't know very much about Tank Girl before an anonymous person requested these nails. As far as I can tell, Tank Girl is a sexually charged, crime fighting, anarchist who dates a kangaroo named Booga. I know, sounds pretty awesome, right? Since Anon specified that she wanted Tank Girl the comic nails, I figured I would make these black and white.

On my middle finger is the infamous Tank Girl, who, lets be honest, looks a little funny (on my nails, not in the comic). But she does have the telltale features of Tank Girl: A Band-Aid above her right eyebrow, a cross earring, and a mischievous look. My index finger features Booga's ear. I honestly couldn't figure out how to paint him, so I thought I'd use one of Leslie's awesome techniques which is cropping an image to make it work with your nail! I think it looks really awesome for these nails because it kind of implies that the rest of Booga is in between fingers doing something explicit to Tank Girl (that I'm totally not gonna paint, haha). Then I did some checker boards which really represent a lot of the style that the art in Tank Girl exhibits. And of course, the Tank Girl logo!  

I know that nail art isn't really a contest, but if it was, Suemomo Does Nails kicked my butt with her awesome Tank Girl nails that can be seen here.
And here is someone else's drawing of Tank Girl for you to reference.
Nev, thank you so much for collaborating on this series. Look forward to additional Dark Thursdays in the future!

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