Tuesday, January 10, 2012

China Glaze Glittering Garland

Hi hello!!

  Today I have a quickie post for you guys. It is a simple swatch of a beauty I picked up on clearance at Sally's. This is the only China Glaze Holiday color I picked up from 2011's collection. I honestly was not that blown away by CG's 2011 Holiday Collection when compared to 2010's. But this was so cheap I just could not pass it up. Glittering Garland made a lot of "Best of 2011" lists and I can totally see why now.....
So... Pretty amazing right? Glittering Garland is a deep Emerald Green base packed full of micro glassfleck shimmer. I am madly in love with the light Green shimmer in this because it's not really a bright, in-your-face, type of shimmer. This is more of a "glow from beneath" shimmer that lights up the creamy base. The formula for Glittering Garland is absolutely great and only takes Two coats. I am so glad I picked this up!!


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