Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Franken Time!! Close Enough- My Accidental Unicorn Puke Dupe(ish)

Hi loves!!!

  Instead of Pink Wednesday today I decided to show you this awesome and total accidental franken I created.  By now we are all pretty familiar with the amazing Unicorn Puke a.k.a Clairvoyant by Cult Nails... Well like so many of us I was totally smitten by this beyond amazing creation by Maria.... I was never able to get my hands on it and I am super impatient so I just pretty much gave up hope of ever owning the beautiful Clairvoyant flakie.... I decided to name this franken "Close Enough" because... Well.. It is close enough hahaha!

  Recently Jen The Polishaholic did THIS post where she layered all the Finger Paints flakies all over eachother and the effect was so amazing!! Well, my lazy ass did not feel like layering Five times so I just pured some of each of the Finger Paints Special FX colors into one bottle so I would not have to layer them and just do one or Two coats of this Flakie mix and be done. Basically I created a flakie out of other flakies.... And then I thought.. Hhhmmmm.... Maybe.. Just maybe.... I could make my own Unicorn Puke... So I went for it!
The recipe for this franken is quite random really. I never measure when I franken I just go by feel.. So in this pretty we have a mix of the following polishes: Asylum, Twisted, Motley, Flashy, Flecked by Finger Paints. I also added some O.P.I I Lilly Love you and Nfu.Oh #52 all mixed in with a small amount of Orly Fowl Play. It is quite the involved franken but OMG is it stunning!!! There are so many different colors in this and I love how the micro shimmer from Nfu.Oh 52 gives it a little something extra. It is quite sheer, just like the original Unicorn Puke and takes Four coats for some form of opacity... But layer this baby over anything and then there is some magic!!

Here is it over A England's Elaine. Yumm... !!!
I'm pretty proud of myself for creating this amazing franken! Accidental awesomeness is the best!! I really want to see this over Black soon!

Thanks for stopping by!
♥ Cristina

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