Sunday, January 1, 2012

Shrek Fail

I was really close to not posting this look at all. I am not proud of how they turned out. I know I can do better. :( Sonoma Nail Art challenged me by encouraging me to try more shading/portrait work. So I decided to try it on Shrek since he's a cartoon with a lot of dimension.

Shrek was suggested by Liliana and an anonymous follower by way of my suggestion box.

I only like Donkey. And Shrek himself is just ok.... Puss in Boots is straight up ridiculous. It doesn't even look like him. And Fiona needs to go on a diet!
 I'm not showing close ups of the others, it's just not necessary. Lol

The base polish is China Glaze Recycle topped with Brazil's version of Unicorn Puke. Big Universo - Espectral.
It just goes to show that I'm not perfect. My art doesn't always turn out like I intended. It's ok to fail!

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