Tuesday, February 7, 2012

China Glaze Electropop Collection- The Brights

Good morning loves!!

  You may have noticed that lately my posting has become a bit "erratic". This is mainly because I'm working like crazy and I don't get home until pretty late in the night. I also have my awesome Mr. LTHP to spend time with and that is VERY important!! So I will still be posting daily, it just probably will not be at the same time every day. I'm sorry to all my lovelies who are used to reading at a certain time. I will try as often as possible to post in the morning but I cannot promise anything.

  So for today I have the First half of China Glaze's Electropop Spring 2012 Collection. I decided to start of with The Brights portion of the collection.
 To see swatches of these pretties just keep on reading.

China Glaze Gaga for Green
Gaga for Green is a beautiful shade of Green Apple... Green! This color is fresh, clean and so happy. The formula on this one is just awesome. This color is in one of my favorite finishes, a creme- jelly. This color is perfect in Two coats and it is VERY shiny. This is a great Spring shade. 

China Glaze Fuchsia Fanatic
 Fuchsia Fanatic is very much true to its name. This pretty creme is the quintessential shade of Fuchsia. This shade is hot, bright and super flattering. The formula on this color is very saturated and very easy to work with. Fuchsia Fanatic goes opaque in Two coats. I wish I would have had this color back in November for my besties wedding!

China Glaze Gothic Lolita
 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My undisputed favorite in this entire collection, Gothic Lolita could not be prettier. This color has one of the most amazing creamy- shimmer combinations I've ever seen. I'll just let the pictures do the talking here.... Could this be the new No Way Jose? Formula is a teensy bit thick but not bad. Two coats of color.

China Glaze Aquadelic
 Aquadelic is For Audrey's brighter, cleaner and slightly Greener cousin. This color is freaking amazing. I probably have like 15 other shades similar to this but I could care less.... I LOVE these types of Blues. The formula on this one is not bad. It is a little thick and it takes a light, steady and patient hand. Aquadelic does not really like to settle well so take your time with this one, Two coats.

China Glaze Sunshine Pop
 Sunshine Pop is a very primary Yellow with a Silvery-Pearly shimmer in it... A lot of people have had an indifferent reaction to this shade and I was fully prepared to hate it but... I.Love.it! I managed to get the shimmer to give the surface a pearly look with careful application and it looked awesome. I'm glad to see a company doing a nice Yellow for Spring. Seems there has been a lot of shimmery Blues and Purples from everyone else. This color has a great formula and does best when applied in Three thin coats.

China Glaze Techo over Gaga for Green
 Techno is not a new color in the China Glaze line- up. This is new to me though. I really love glitters like this one. For these swatches I dabbed the brush on the nail first and then spread the glitter around to get the most hexes possible on the surface of my nails. LOOOOOVEEE!!!

China Glaze Techno over Fuchsia Fanatic
 Yes and YES!
So... what do you guys think. I think these are Flippin Sweet!!! I love me some good creamy colors and creamy shimmers. The glitter is a ton of fun and they are not kidding with The Brightness :D. These colors really put a smile on my face and  like I said I am actually happy to see a Yellow for Spring. All these colors have a really good formula. I cannot wait to try The Lights portion of this collection now! I don't think I can choose favorites because I love them all so much! Well... Maybe Gothic Lolita...

Which are your faves? Could you pick one?

(**Products provided for review by PR company**)

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