Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Jordana Copper Blaze makes Fantasy Fire even Better- Hunger Games Inspired Mani

Happy V-day everyone!

  So I pretty much forgot about Valentine's Day.... I'm not very good at the whole Holiday themed mani thing unless it is Christmas. The funny thing is, I always tell myself that I will try to do at least one Holiday themed mani for whatever Holiday is coming up and I always forget until it's too late. SOOOOO, instead of a Valentines mani I decided to show you guys and updated look I did with Fantasy Fire and Jordana Glitter in Copper Blaze.

  I'm currently balls- deep in "The Hunger Games" series. I really want to have them read before the movie comes out in March. This would be the first time I've read the book before seeing the movie and my inner geek is excited to sit there and play spot- the - difference haha. So for this look I was inspired by the flaming costumes Katniss and Peeta wear during the Tribute intro ceremony.
 The girl with Nails on fire! I had been wearing Fantasy Fire for a few days at this point and I had just the teensiest bit of tip wear but I was not ready to part with such a beauty so I went over to my table. My table currently has about 30 bottles of Glitters! Glitters I plan on doing a little series with, starting with this mani lol.. So anyways, I kept gravitating to the obvious choices of Blue, Purples glitters to mix with the base of Fantasy Fire.... And then there it was like a shining beacon lol. Jordana's Copper Blaze and I was all like OMFGYES! So I grabbed my sponge and did a gradient on my tips for a play on the Copper flashes in Fantasy Fire. The final effect is amazing fiery nails with a twist. The combination of the copper glitter against the deep Navy- Violet- Copper blaze is just so unique and stunning. I got quite a few comments on this look.
So I was pretty much mortified to take this off. I wanted to take it off and put it right back on again. Copper Blaze is such a fun and unique glitter that I cannot wait to use it more. It really screams Fall to me and I can see so many cute manis with this amazing glitter. I hope you guys like this "Hunger Games" inspired mani as much as I do!

Happy V-day and all that jazz!

(**Jordana Glitter provided for review**)

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