Sunday, March 11, 2012

China Glaze - Stone Cold

This is from China Glaze's Hunger Games collection. I recently decided to read the books myself to see what all of the hype was about. They must be good, right? Well they are! I read all 3 books in about 4 days time.... So I'm excited to see how the movie turns out. :) This the only polish I bought from the collection though, it's the only one I found interesting. 
Stone Cold is a matte charcoal gray polish with silver shimmer.

The extra special magical part is that it's a true one coater! I can see that it might thicken with age, like most mattes, but it's already pigmented enough to cover in one easy coat. And it dries fast (but not too fast).

The shimmer comes alive after topcoat is applied. So if you like a shiny look, it's great for that too. It's a polish you can get many different looks from!

I prefer it with it's original matte finish myself, it's just too special the way it is!

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