I am so excited to show you this collection today. When I first started blogging and up until somewhat recently I wouldn't have even given shades like these a second glance. Something inside me snapped recently and I started craving soft sheer nudes. I've been gravitating to colors that I could kind of "slap- on" and run out the door and still have pretty nails. O.P.I's NYC Ballet Inspired Soft Shades Collection could not have come at a better time for me as I realized I only had Three colors that fell under this category of sheer nudes. I am obsessed with ballet and I pretty much could not love the collection. These soft and ethereal jellies along with the beautiful and dainty glitter really put a smile on my face.

To see swatches of the pretty sheers just keep reading after the jump.
So as to not sound like a broken record lol... These were all Three thin coats of each color. The formulas on all were pretty good. I am gonna call these sheer jellies since the texture of the formula was very jelly like in nature. The first two coats can be a little streaky. The key is to keep a light and steady hand and let the brush glide along the nail without putting any pressure on it. As for the glitter, Pirouette my Whistle, the easiest way to get a good balance of hexes and micro glitter is to first kinda dab the brush on the nail and place a nice "blob" of glitter and then spread the glitter on the nail quickly but carefully before the polish starts to become too tacky to manipulate. Overall, I really do love these and I am happy to have more of a range of sheer nudes.
O.P.I Are you Callin' me a Lyre?
This pretty color is a soft sheer Pink jelly. Very flattering shade.O.P.I Pirouette my Whistle over Are you Callin' me a Lyre?
Pirouette my Whistle is a mix of twinkling Silver micro glitter and Silvery- White hexes in a clear base. I really do love this and the Silvery- White were a nice surprise since I was expecting the glitter to be more Silvery. With it actually being more White it makes this a far more interesting glitter to my eyes. The combination of the glitter with these sheer jellies is really an amazing look. Very refreshing and clean.O.P.I Don't Touch my Tutu
Don't Touch my Tutu is a sheer White jelly. Seriously love this to bits! I can't believe I turned my nose up at colors like this before. I know these are boring to a lot of people but I've seen a lot of crazy and amazing colors out there. Once in a while it is nice to take it easy and keep it simple and clean. This collection is perfect for those days when you just need to... Detoxify? Technically colors like these are new to me haha....O.P.I Pirouette my Whistle over O.P.I Don't Touch my Tutu
Isn't this just dreamy? This is my fix for that Lynderella Snow Angel lemming. Totally gone... I love this....O.P.I Barre my Soul
Barre my Soul is a sheer soft Beige jelly.O.P.I My Pointe Exactly!
Cool soft, sheer Grey jelly. This is a really interesting shade to make in this finish and I really love it a lot. You don't really see Grey jellies. The possibilities!O.P.I Care to Danse?
This pretty is soft, sheer Lilac jelly. Again, another winner in my book.All these colors remind me of the colors of ballerina tights. They make me think of that quintessential mental picture of the ballerinas all dressed in their haze-colored leotards, and tights, rehearsing for some big show. One of the items in my bucket list is to see a ballet. I really wanna see a Russian ballet though... Someday... In the meantime, I will put these pretty colors on my nails and enjoy every second of their airy awesomeness.
(**Products provided for review**)
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