LTHP Dabbles! Nail Polish Jewelry Fun!

Hi lovely readers!

  I know today is a challenge day and I had fully intended to have that post up later today but my body had other plans. I still might do it later on depending on how I feel. If I do not post it today I will still be doing day Seven whenever we post our next challenge day. 

  Instead, today I will be showing you some nail polish rings and earrings I made over the past few weeks. After I saw [THIS TUTORIAL] by Rebecca I was bit by the crafty bug and just had to place an Etsy order for some cabochons and bases :D. These are fun to make for friends and the gals in my family. I made my bestie a ring out of butterLONDON Snog and Pretty and Polished Valentino but I forgot to snap a pic before I sent it her way. It was awesome!
 To see close up shots of these just continue reading.

I dont plan on selling. There are soo many talented ladies out there that can do this so much better than I. And I just plain don't have the time lool! They are so much fun to make though!
 These are all 18x25mm Oval rings with painted clear glass cabchons. From L to R: Candeo Colors Orchid, China Glaze Luxe & Lush, Midtown Magic, Candeo Colors Dolce, O.P.I Pink Friday.

The ring below is the same size as the ones above and it is done in Daring Digits Master Shake with a backing of CG White Cap.

The rings below are 25mm Round clear glass painted cabochons.
Above from L to R: The Hungry Asian Sea Creature, CG Emerald Sparkle, Bettina Peace, Boogie, Hot Pants, Hustle swirl with a Black Backing.

The rings below are the same size as the ones above.
This ring is made out of All That Glitters Very Peacock-Ish and O.P.I Catch me in your Net.

The earrings below are all 10mm painted clear glass cabochons.
From L to R: Candeo Orchid, Revlon Whimsical with a Chick NP All A Twitter backing, DL Boom Boom Pow with a CG Midnight Kiss backing.

Back to the rings!
 The one on my left I made for my M-I-L and it is Zoya Chloe and Jem. The ring on the right is for the lovely Brittany at Clumps of Mascara and it is Cult Nails Seduction and Revlon Royal.

The ring below is made out of a franken- fail. Your truly is not very good at the art of creating polishes from raw materials. This looks amazing in the ring but over night the bottle managed to settle into a disgusting mess :(. I'm glad at least it gets to live on through this pretty ring.
These are so fun to work on!!!

**EDIT** Here is a pic of the ring that I made for the Bestie. She sent a pic over :D**

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