Peculiar Polish Series - Totoro

 It's another Thursday and time for more Peculiar Polish! Nev from Nevorpurify's Nail Art  is helping me out by designing looks that are from different cartoons that may be a bit less traditional. If you have a suggestion for her, just fill out the embedded form at the bottom of the page!
Here's Nev->
"I don't know much about Totoro, but Ron (my fiance) tells me that Totoro is a movie by Hayo Miyazaki where the titular character is a forest spirit who befriends two young girls. Miyazaki is the well respected founded of Studio Ghibli, which is considered to be the best animation studio in Japan and possibly the world.  Totoro became the emblem of their company because of its success. Totoro is to Studio Ghibli as Mickey Mouse is to Disney. It was an honor to paint such an icon on my nails, and I'm thankful and anonymous subscriber suggested these!"

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