Sunday, May 6, 2012

Etsy Mania!! All That Glitters Spottie Dottie Light and Dark

Happy Sunday lovely readers!

 Are ya'll sick of my Etsy posts yet? I sure as shiz hope not because I have so much indie coming your way still loool! What can I say? I went on a huge Etsy binge a couple of weeks back and I am still working through all the stuff I purchased. On top of that I also have the never- ending stream of samples that I have to swatch and such.
  So basically, over the past few weeks I've had a huge surge of indies come in from my purchases that I am STILL trying to get to because I can't bring myself to "just swatch" my indies. I actually want to wear them and enjoy them. So.. enough ranting now.... Onto the shop of the day: All that Glitters. This girl is talented and I mean TALENTED! I own Four of her creations and I love them all to BITS! If you have not been to her shop you should seriously head on over and take a peek!

All that Glitter Spottie Dottie- Dark
 Black.Glitter! Spottie Dottie Dark is pretty self explanatory. It is different sized Black hexes and bars suspended in a clear base. The Spottie Dottie series are not SUPER packed with glitter so you do have to do a little bit of fishing and careful application to get a cool effect. This does not bother me one bit because it gives the polish versatility. For this look I layered Spottie Dottie Dark over Color Club Daisy Does It.

All that Glitters Spottie Dottie- Light
 Spottie Dottie Light is the same concept as SD Dark except with White glitters. My version of this polish is a little special due to those awesome big Square glitters. In its regular form SD Light is the same as SD Dark, different sized Hexes and bars. Shop owner Kirsten had actually made an announcement about how this batch would be a little different because her supplier had sent her Large White Squares instead of Hexes and I got a little excited at the prospect of having a "special" Square-y Dottie Light hahahaha! Here it is layered over Color Club Wing Fling.
 How cute are these polishes? I also love that I can layer over each other to make up my own mix of Black and White glitter. Head on over to All that Glitters on Etsy to see more of K's goodies!

Happy Sunday!

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