Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Deborah Lippmann Ray of Light and Sweet Dreams

Good Morning!!

  Today I have a combination that I ended up loving a whole lot more than I expected. I was gifted these Two Debora Lippmann polishes last Saturday at our Neiman Marcus breakfast. I won't go on a whole lot because I am crazy busy today but these pictures do all the speaking! 
 I am wearing Ray of Light with accents of Sweet Dreams. These are both jelly based polishes packed full of Coppery flakies that shift to Red to Gold to Green/Blue. I love the inky tone of the base color in Ray of Light. Sweet Dreams is exactly that... A sweet dream. When I say I couldn't stop staring at my hands I really mean it. These have a slightly thick formula but nothing too problematic. I did Two coats of each color.
 How stunning are these?! Those flakies... MMmmmmm!!! I topped these off with a coat of Cult Nails Wicked Fast top coat and I still stand by my claim of it being my new favorite top coat. Dried faster than Seche Vite, it is not goopy and IT DOES NOT SHRINK!!! I usually have an issue with jelly based polishes shrinking on me but Wicked Fast did not cause that to happen!! Oh happy day!!


(**DL polishes gifted by Neiman Marcus Millenia**)

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