#AwesomeNailsAreAwesome Guest Week Ends with Melissa of The Daily Nail and her Flossy Nails

Good evening! 

  Awwweee shizzz!!! Got one more guest poster up my sleeve... Hells yeah!!! So I really wanted this blogger to guest post for me and I just plain could not work up the courage to ask her (lol)... During a twitter convo it was decided that Melissa of The Daily Nail is awesome and guess what? This is her very first guest post EVER! Uuuummmm. Yeah.. I asked and she agreed!!!  FANGIRLING all over the place here! The Daily Nail on LTHP?!!! Umm what?!!!  We all know who Melissa is, her blog is pretty much the nail art bible! I've been following Melissa since before I even considered starting a blog. So for her to have agreed to be on my blog for her very first post ever is just a standout moment in my blogging days! I hope you guyes enjoyed these past Two weeks!
 Hi everyone!!  I'm so excited to be writing this post- my very first guest post ever! I'm thrilled (and flattered!) that Cristina wanted me to do a design! Thanks, Cristina! :D
  Recently, I was tempted by a few of the photos Cristina posted on Instagram of friendship bracelets that she was making. Remember those from Jr. High/High School? Oddly enough, being the craft nerd that I am, I have never actually made them. I was more of a hemp jewelry maker back then, I made so much of it that I actually sold it to my classmates! Anyway, Cristina's pictures made me want to try it out. Unfortunately, my early attempts were scary and sad–nothing like hers! lol  However, after a ton of failed attempts and a few swear words, I finally got the hang of it. I am currently sporting 4 bracelets of varying designs and widths. I look totally hipster. (you know, without the ironic glasses and skinny jeans)
 When Cristina asked me to do a guest post, I was racking my brain for something cool and worthy of her blog, and it struck me—friendship bracelets! I was inspired by Cristina to start making them- what more perfect design could I do for my guest post?! 

I used:

CND Bloodline
American Apparel Downtown LA
American Apparel Lopez Canyon
CND Electric Orange
Zoya Arizona
American Apparel Manila
China Glaze Happy Go Lucky

Pink: China Glaze Heli-Yum
Orange: CND Electric Orange
Yellow: American Apparel Manila
Green: CND Green Scene
Blue: CND Anchor Blue
Purple: American Apparel African Violet

Black: American Apparel Hassid
Turquoise: American Apparel The Valley
Purple: American Apparel African Violet

Green: Sally Hansen Grass Slipper
Purple: American Apparel African Violet

Black: American Apparel Hassid
Blue: CND Anchor Blue
Yellow: American Apparel Manila
Pink: Zoya Shelby
Green: Sally Hansen Grass Slipper
Basecoat: Cult Nails Get it On
Topcoat: Cult Nails Wicked Fast + Seche Vite.

(Now this is an addition by me) HOW AWESOME is this?! Melissa's bracelet nails were inspired by actual bracelets I have done. It took me all of a split second to realize what she had done and I was touched and totally amazed at the same time. She re-created my bracelets on her nails!!! Umm what?!! How?! Don't matter... Too freaking awesomeeeee!!!! 
  Is your mind blown yet?!!! I am seriously touched. I don't know how many of you guys are following me on IG(letthemhavepolish) but the bracelets that Melissa has depicted on her nails are all bracelets I have done, color scheme and design, dead on! How amazing is that?! When this post came in I literally jumped off the couch and had to show my husband. Melissa is just on a whole other level when it comes to nail art and creativity. I am still fangirling over here... So hard... So again, I want to thank all of the amazing, lovely, talented ladies that helped me out during these past Two weeks in keeping my fab readers company. This will be a seriously though act to follow! It's been an amazing Two weeks but I am ready to come back now!! 

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