#AwesomeNailsAreAwesome Guest Week! Featuring Rie of Nails and Noms

Good evening!! 

 The night belongs to one of my other mayah nail crushes. Miss Rie of Nails and Noms. Her perfect canvases are just to die for! Rie is an awesome tatted up gal who has awesome sense of style and the cutest hair ever!! I just love this girl! I wanna go hang out with her and have some of these noms she speaks of ;-p. She is also obsessed with kitties, so just based on that fact alone I HAVE to love her! 

Allo Everyone!!

Whoa... Huge deep breaths here! I am so SO excited to be able to share this manicure with you all today on Cris's blog!!! I have been a super fangirl of LTHP since before my blogging days and this is just.... O____O 
Anywho, my name is Rie and I come from the land of http://nailsandnoms.com"Nails and Noms
. Well, mostly nails since I have a slight problem with eating my noms before I remember to take photos of them. ~_^ Cris asked me if I'd like to help out while she's resting up from her medical procedure and I of course said "Oh Hell Yes!". ^_^

I decided to browse through my forever long list of manicures from my Pinterest inspiration board and after hemming and hawing with my roomie I finally decided on http://pinterest.com/pin/97108935686054936/ Lightning Strike Nails! I believe the original home for this awesome manicure is http://justtryinyournail.tumblr.com/ Just Try In Your Nail's tumblr.

Lightning Strike Nails

I was so excited with how these turned out that I totally forgot to write down the names of all the polishes I used. :p I started off with A England Camelot as my base though. Then I think I used A England Galahad, A England Avalon, and Contrary Polish Purple Smoke for the background. I used a random white polish for the lightning strikes since I didn't have a gel pen.

The lines were super crisp before I added my topcoat, but I still think it looks pretty awesome this way too. Plus it'll last longer on my nails with top coat. ^_^

Well that's it for today folks! I hope you all enjoyed my visit to LTHP and I want to thank Cris again for letting me pop in. Have a speedy recovery and get some rest girl! *mwaah* ^_^
 Rie.... You rock so hard! I love these. I had been seeing this look pop up on pinterest and thought it was so cool but my nails are too short to achieve this look. Rie's nails seem to look AMAZING no matter how long or short they are, she can rock a round shaped nail, a square nail, and everything just looks SO good on her skintone (LUUUCKY!!). Thank you so much Rie for the daring and awesome nail art! 

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