LTHP Holiday Giveaway!! - GIVEAWAY CLOSED

It's DECEMBER!!!!!!!!! Say WHAT?!! 

**EDIT** The giveaway is now closed!! Thank you so much to everyone who participated and shared the giveaway with friends, etc!! I will announce the winner shortly!! 

  To mark the start of my favorite time of the year I'm kicking things off with a Holiday giveaway! The Zoya Faeries were kind enough to send me a Second set of their beautiful Holiday Ornate collection, and I want to share with you guys! Well, they sent Truffle a set... Yeah that's right, my cat Truffle... Long story hahaha... But Truffle and I agreed that I should share them with my awesome readers!! Truffle is awesome like that! The Zoya Ornate Collection is easily one of the most beautiful nail polish collections to come out this year and one lucky winner will receive all Six beauties to enjoy and love for ever and ever!! 

 This is a giveaway for a Full Zoya Ornate Collection(Blaze, Aurora, Logan, Electra, Ziv and Storm). This giveaway will be open from Saturday, December First at 12:00 AM (EST) until Saturday, December 15th at 12:00AM (EST). 

To see swatches of the collection/loot click on the image below! 
 How could you not want these?! They are entirely amazing!!

So the rules:
You MUST be a GFC (Google friend connect) Follower and you must provide an email address where I can contact you if you win. These are the only mandatory requirements to enter the giveaway. Only one entry per reader will be allowed. To become a GFC follower just click on the "Join the Party" button on the top right corner of my blog. New followers are welcome to enter :). There will be several options to gain more entries but they are not mandatory. You will be required to provide your GFC follower name and contact email address!  

 Once the giveaway is closed I will pick a winner using the Rafflecopter app and I will email them personally. The winner will have 48 hours to contact me to claim their prize. If they do not reply within 48 hours another winner will be chosen. I will be confirming GFC follower names so please make sure to provide accurate information to prevent issues! 

This giveaway will be open until 12:00 AM (Midnight EST) Saturday December 15th. This giveaway is open only to U.S.A and, Puerto Rico a readers only. I would love to open it to everyone but I just can't :(. If you are under 18 years of age please get permission before entering. The winner will be chosen using Rafflecopter and will have 48 hours to claim their prize by emailing me after I contact them.

How to enter: 

Good luck everyone and happy Holidays!!!! 
(**Ornate collection provided by Zoya**)

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