LTHP's Favorite Polishes of 2012! Top Ten Handmade Nail Polishes

Good morning and happy Sunday! 

  2013 is coming at us hard and FAST! But before the year is over I have a few more picks to show you for my top polishes of 2012. Today's category is my Top Ten Handmade nail polishes of 2012. As I said in yesterday's post, 2012 was the year of the handmade indie polish. These are the Ten handmade polishes that I hunted down like prey. These are the ten handmade polishes I lost sleep over, got angry at when I got "cart jacked" and cried tears of joy when I finally was able to buy them. Or given the privilege/ opportunity to review them. 
To see closeups and find out a little more just keep on Reading ♥. 
Glitter Daze My White Lighter
 I love the delicate beauty of this creamy glitter blend. I also loved the insanely intense Blue, glow-in-the-dark effect. I really love the candy like look of this glitter. It like looks like glaze. #nomnomnom

KBShimmer All Decked Out
 I knew this polish was a favorite for 2012 the second I saw it. IDK what kind of magic is in this polish. I love the fact that it is a deep, Hunter Green base and you can still see the different glitter colors and the sparkle through it. My favorite thing about all my KBShimmers is that they do not need underwear. They are all like a jelly sammich in a bottle.

Dollish Polish What's This?What's This? over O.P.I Candlelight
Let's see.. A polish named after my favorite song, from one of my favorite movies. It is a chunky glitter, unique color blend and fantastic formula. Yeah... It had to be in this list! I like fun polishes. It is plain and simple, this baby is a party in a bottle. 

Cirque Nail Polish in XX over A England Dorian Grey
 I can't properly put into words how much I love these Two polishes together. I was dreading taking these off.. XX is just so different, so thought out. There are so many different shapes, colors and prisms.

Lac Attack Felix Felicis over Bettina Gabrielle
This polish is everything I wanted Deborah Lippmann's Boom Boom Pow to be. Now I really love BBP but the textures in Felix Felicis are (no pun intended) quite magical. The base is packed of delicate Gold flakes and then there are those beautiful, bright Gold squares and hexes. This polish is everything right now!

Twee & Honey Hallow
Why a plain White? Because I.LOVE.White nails. T&H's Hallow is just so pretty, squishy and that pretty subtle shimmer. I had many , far flashier, "Twees" on my list but I kept going back Hallow and getting those warm fuzzy feelings. Sometimes less is more. 

Dollish Polish Random Dancing over Color Club ??
 Random Dancing... I remember the day I finally snatched this... I stalked Dolly's site, my heart was RACING and my hands were sweating and when I finally got the confirmation of purchase.... My poor husband... Anyways, this is another polish that falls under the category of "I freaking love this because it's just FUN". Every nail always ends up looking totally different and it is just awesome.

Nail-Venturous Floam over Zoya Wednesday
I actually have a lovely reader to thank for this one. We ended up doing a swap as she was indifferent towards Floam. For me Floam had to be my BIGGEST lemming of the year. This polish brought joy and rage to many gals hahaha! Remember Etsy "cart jackings" and staying up late to stalk shop openings? I'm not even really sure who manufactures this polish now as Amy stepped out of the game (and I don't blame her lol, we were a little... "ravenous"?) I think Ninja Polish might still be producing Floam. 

Aphrodite Lacquers Don't Copy Me 
Don't Copy Me is another polish I love for its simplicity. This polish is just beautiful and almost like a new classic. I love the delicate shimmer in the base and the perfect touches of Black hexes and squares. Don;t Copy Me did not need undies as well! 

Candeo Colors Jellybean over Sinful Colors Unicorn 
Jellybean is another polish that I had to spend hours stalking to finally be able to purchase. Just look at it! It's so pretty I'm gonna dieeeeee!!!! Picking from my Candeos was no easy task. I own Dolce, Orchid and Jellybean. At the end I went with Jellybean because it is just preciously unique. 

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