Monday, July 1, 2013

Scofflaw Summer Colors Swatches and Review

(**Press Samples**)
Hello and happy Monday darlings! 

  Today I have a few swatches of a, new-to me, handmade nail polish line. I know Scofflaw has been around for sometime, and I had bee eyeing them with a vengeance haha. The only pretty I owned by this brand was in the form of a nail polish pendant of David Bowie's Bulge that was made for me by the lovely BeadsInk. So, when Finch got in touch with me about featuring her new Summer shades I jumped at the chance. 
scofflaw summer photo Scofflaw_zps98de3158.jpg
 All of these polishes are so complex, yet beautifully executed. I am so beyond impressed with her unique blends and beautiful use of shimmering bases. All four of these shades had fantastic formulations as well. All swatches are shown with a top coat. 

Scofflaw Little Edie in the Grey Gardens
Scofflaw Little Edie in the Grey Gardens photo DSCN5864_zps6edbb1cc.jpg
 First I have to talk about how much I love the name/ inspiration behind this color. For some time I was fairly fascinated by the story behind "Grey Gardens". Something about this polish really does capture the essence of Little Edie for me. Little Edie in the Grey Gardens is an ethereal blend of Pastel Yellow hexes, Coral hexes, Lavender squares and small Golden glitter all suspended in a very light, squishy Grey base. The kicker is the fantastic Yellowy-Green shimmer in the grey base. I love how delicate, yet unique and eye catching this blend is. I used Three easy coats of color for my swatch. 

Scofflaw Paranoid Android
Scofflaw Paranoid Android photo DSCN5854_zpsb727d7d1.jpg
So.Much.WIN!!! Paranoid Android is a chunky blend of Black, Red, Silver and *I think* Plum hexes suspended in a shimmery, squishy Sky Blue base. There are also some smaller Blue glitters that really add some serious twinkle to this pretty. I love, love the blend of colors here. The Red particles really bring this color to life for me. I used Three thin coats of color for my swatch. 

Scofflaw Wyld Stallyns
Scofflaw Wyld Stallyns photo DSCN5839_zps6b2e43fb.jpg
 Wyld Stallyns is a shimmering Red-toned Purple base accented with hot Pink squares and Plum hexes as well as small Golden twinkling glitter. I think I also picked out some Blue particles and larger Golden hexes. This shade had the "sheerest" formula of the bunch as the base is an actual shimmer and not a squishy creme. I used Three thin coats of color. 

Scofflaw Electric Salamander
Scofflaw Electric Salamander photo DSCN5809_zpscc213dbb.jpg
 Electric Salamander is an AMAAAAZING mix of Blue and Green hexes. There is a mix of Sparkling and matte glitters here that is just perfection. The base color is an interesting, shimmery White-Grey. I just love this color, the Blue hexes are perfect in this base color. The application on this shade is very good, I used Three coats of color. 

 Scofflaw is available from Shop Llarowe as well as Etsy. These babies were just released a few weeks ago. I am so seriously impressed with everything about this polishes. The only one I was not crazy about was Wyld Stallyns, but that is a personal preference thing. The other Three shades have completely won me over.

 I also want to take a quick second to thank the amazing Nikkie of Nikkietutorials on Youtube for mentioning LTHP on her June faves video. I'm still in shock and just so ecstatic and fangirly. I am a huge fan of Nikkie's work and her personality. She has accomplished so much at such a young age, makes me feel lazy haa! She has also lit a fire under my butt to finally write out a post on my nail care routine. Which I will certainly be doing soon. THANK YOU NIKKIE!!! It seriously means to world to me ♥.

Have you had a chance to try Scofflaw's creations yet? Which are your favorites? From the ones I just went over today, I cannot pick a fave. I am in love with them for different reasons. They are all just so unique and beautifully made. 

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