11 Things...

Good afternoon,
 I had planned to do and post an awesome Hunger Games manicure for today but I feel like trash (I'll still do it later on). So here is this tag I was tagged on (what?...) By Two lovely ladies. Nify Ba! and Nail Polish Therapy. I just met these amazing girls not long ago at the March Meet-up for Central Florida beauty bloggers (#beautybloggersorlando). So anyways.. I feel terrible.. I don't have anything quite ready to post so I figured I would do this tag. I dont normally do tags but I need something to take my mind off my whole body aching. I've spent most of my day, which started at 4:00 am, plowing though The Hunger Games Trilogy. Now my eyes need a break  from the Kindle but I still need mayah distractions... So here is this thing :-S.
The Rules
1. Each person must post 11 things about themselves on their blog.
2. Answer the questions the tagger has set for you plus eleven questions for the people you have tagged to answer.
3. Choose eleven people and link them in your tag.
4. Email the person to let them know that they’ve been tagged.
5. No tag backs.
6. You legitimately have to tag. (Um... No.. I don't lol... I suck at these things... too...lazy...can't..tag...)
11 Things About Me, Cristina
1. I don't know if I can come up with 11 things about me. I always blank when it comes to things like this which is why I usually avoid tags like the plague. I don't think I'm very interesting.

2. I have a hard time making new friends. I'm kinda shy, kinda weird and very awkward. 
3. Which brings me to point no.3.. I don't know how, but when I am at work I can be little miss Sunshine and pull it off like I'm such a social butterfly lol. It's the craziest thing.
4. I love my job. 
5. OMG I've only manage Five things!??
(30 min of staring off into space later)
6. I love reading. My favorite authors are Chuck Palahniuk, Ellen Hopkins, Suzanne Collins (OMG You don't say?!lol) I'm sure there are more authors I like but these are the ones I really love. I've never read the Harry Potter Books but I def. plan on it and I'm sure I will love them.
7. My favorite kind of food is anything Authentic Puerto Rican. Arroz con Gandulez, Pasteles, Alcapurrias... And now I'm hungry.
8. I think I'm done thinking up stuff about me now... I'm just gonna answer these questions.

11 Questions from Ali(Nifty Ba!)
1. What was your Outfit of the Day
Some super stylin' pijamas....
2. What was the last thing you broke?
The nail that led me to go for nubbies full time. 
3. Do you have a custom ringtone on your cell phone?
Nope lol... I used to have all kinds of cutesy things on my phone and then it started crapping out and I had to a get a warranty replacement and I just did not feel like putting all that stuff back into place. 
4. Are you named after anyone?
I believe a very young queen. My mom always knew what my name would be.
5. What was the last thing you were complimented about?
 My eyes.
6. What has been the farthest you’ve travelled?
Um... I have not done much traveling but I guess when I went ot Niagra Falls (NY).
7. What does your umbrella look like?
It's a boring navy blue with a Kenneth Cole print on it. 
8. Do you have a favorite guilty pleasure meal, treat, or restaurant?
TV Show: Toddlers and Tiaras, Jersey Shore, Geordie Shore, and a lot of cartoons. 
Food: Nerds, Merengues, Ice Cream..
9. What is your most prized makeup possession?
I'd have to say it's between my Bare Minerals face make-up and my Benefit Coralista Illuminating Face Powder.
10. What is your most prized possession (non-makeup related)?
My wedding and engagement rings. After that I'd have to say a wedding invitation I have from my grandmothers wedding. 
11. Does Zoya have a nail polish with your name on it?
Kind of... They have a Christina but my name is spelled without the "H".

11 Questions from Leandra (NP Therapy) 
1. If you could name yourself something other than your birth name what would it be and why?
Nothing. I actually really love my name.
2. When you were 5 years old what did you want to be?
A Mermaid... Still kind of do haha.
3. Pick a song that you could hear over and over again for the rest of your life without getting tired of it.
At this very point in my life it is M83's Midnight City. But that changes very frequently.
4. What 3 things could you not survive without on a deserted island?
Water, food and shelter? hahaha
5. What article of clothing or makeup do you most identify with based on your personality?
This is gonna get very specific. My cosmetic soul-match is Nfu.Oh 61. I'm dull in my shell but I'm awesome when in my element. I can be difficult to deal with. I can chip easily. I'm expensive and hard to get ahold of loool.... 
6. What was the best day of your life?
The day my husband and I got engaged. It should be my wedding day but I think of my engagement as such an "us" day.
7. If you could meet your favorite celebrity/actor/actress (dead or alive) what would you say to them?

To DaVinci: "Why the Mona Lisa? Who was she? What drew you to her?
8. What do you know you for certain that you're good at?
Painting my nails! 
9. If someone told you 10 years ago your life (activities, interests, accomplishments, etc) would be what it is now, would you believe them?
Probably not. As a young child I had VERY big ambitions that as an adult I've come to realize were way unrealistic lol.  But I am happy with my life.
10. What is your favorite place and why?
My Bed. It's safe. It's warm... It's where I do one of my favorite things..... SLEEP!!!
11. Fill in the blank: I feel most alive when: I make others happy.

I am super tired now and I will try to come up with some questions for the next person. I will not be tagging so anyone who takes this tag from me can use these questions. I invite everyone to play along.

My 11 Questions to you!
1. If you could be ANY nail polish color from any brand, which color would you be and why?
2. What food could you eat until you got sick?
3. What is your favorite item of clothing that you could wear every day?
4. What is your least favorite part of your beauty routine?
5. What is the craziest thing you have ever done to your hair?
6. At what age did you start wearing make up?
7. What is something you do once in a while just to pamper yourself?
8. What is your favorite 90's TV show?
9. Everyone always asks "What is your favorite song?". I'm gonna go the opposite way. What is a song that gets on your nerves?
10. What is your favorite book?
11. Kitties or Puppies?

Off to cuddle with my heating pad and cry now...

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