Happy "Indie-pendence" Day!! Patriotic Mani Spam

Happy Fourth oh July!!! 

  To all my American lovelies anyway :D! I actually ended up doing a few different Patriotic themed manis for this holiday. That usually never happens! It only seemed fitting that I celebrate independence day in some awesome indie polishes right?! Today I will be featuring some beauties by Couronne d'Or Vernis as well as Vivid Lacquer. I must say I am completely blown away by these Two ladies creations and will have separate posts on their beauties later on but some of the pretties they sent my way inspired some awesome July 4th manis. 
 To see these manis just continue reading :D!!

 This is the look I ended up wearing for the Holiday.
 For this look I started with bases of Zoya Sooki on my Pinkie and Thumb, Zoya Purity on my Ring and Middle and Chick NP in Raven's Egg in my middle. I did just one coat of each. Over my white based nails I did a coat if China Glaze Frosty for shimmer.
  The glitter toppers on my Ring and Middle Fingers are Couronne d'Or Saphir and Rubis layered over each other. I can't tell you guys how much I am loving the Couronne d'Or Crown Jewels Collection, but more on that later. On my middle finger I did some pretty gemstone accents over my Chick NP base. On my pinkie I stamped with BM plate BM317. On my thumb I did a big bow stamp from Konad plate M59 in White accented with a Blue gem.

Couronne d'Or I Love the USA over China Glaze Midnight Kiss
 I Love the USA  was created by Aly in honor of the 2012 Olympics. This topper is a mix of Red, White and Blue Stars, Hearts, Bars, Squares and hexes. This is not the easiest polish to work with but it also was not half as difficult as I was expecting. It is pretty easy getting the bits on the nail. I think this is such a cute and fun combination. Perfect for the occasion!

Vivid Lacquer Ocean's Pixels over Zoya Sookie
 This one is pretty self explanatory right? This looked SOOO cool in person! The blue and white small hexes created a cool sprinkled texture over the candy Red base. I love Vivid Lacquer's cute kitty logo!! This glitter is plenty packed and I only did one coat over my Red base.

Couronne d'Or Rubis and Saphir over Essie Marshmallow
 Here again I've layered Two of the Cd'OV glitter toppers over each other. I am truly amazed at how easy these glitters are to work with despite the bigger chunky bits. There is no fishing required! The effects they create are amazing and they are very versatile. I really can't wait to show you guys full swatches of these glitters. I am in LUUUURVEEE!

 And because I wanted to see a patriotic sammich.... I went back over my layered glitters with one light coat of Essie Marshmallow to get this look.
 Patriotic Birthday cake nails!!! How yummy does this look?!
Have a safe and happy Fourth of July everyone!!

 I hope you enjoyed my patriotic mani spam!!

(**Some products provided for review**)

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