#FlBeautyBloggers Guest Posts! Ali from Nifty Ba!

Hi loves!

  Today's post comes from one quirky, awesome gal who I totally wanna go shopping with! Miss Ali of Nifty Ba!
Adventures in Nails and Space with NiftyBa

Holla! I'm Ali from NiftyBa.com, and today I am going to share with you how I prepared to take my style out of this world! 

Living in Central Florida is like nothing I ever imagined. It's a whole lot more! Not only have I met amazing women through the Beauty Bloggers of Central Florida, but I am happily situated between beautiful beaches, half a dozen theme parks, and at least two Ikea stores. I just need a Trader Joe's close by, and then I'm all set! But most of what I love about living in Florida is brand new... 
What about something absolutely classic Florida?What about the Space Coast? Oooooo, retro!
  Once, on a day trip to Merritt Island, my husband stopped the car at a park intersection and I asked, "What's that thingy [tower] over there?" "Oh, that's NASA." Color me impressed, we were so close! I had only seen it on TV or sad movies involving asteroids, and I think we often forget how awesome NASA is. So recently, when I was given the opportunity to visit the Kennedy Space Center for an afternoon, I kind of freaked out! In a good, way too over-enthusiastic way! I was invited to attend a final photo-op with the retired space shuttle Endeavour before it left the Space Coast forever. Thanks, NASA pal Jamie! My second thought after "Oh dude, I am so pumped! SPAAAAAACE!," was the classic, "Oh dude, what am I going to wear? ..... And what am I going to put on my NAILSSSS?!" Ah, beauty problems...
 Luckily, I found the perfect combination. I chose to wear a favorite vintage thrifted top and an old pleated skirt from Urban Outfitters, paired with sandals from Target and a purse from Old Navy. For my outfit, I wanted to wear something I wouldn't mind showing my grandkids 50 years from now. 
But the most important question is: What did I end up choosing for my nails? Well, citizens of Earth, prepare to be amazed. I present to you, perhaps an astonishing beauty first:
Galaxy nails. 

At NASA's Kennedy Space Center.

Next to the space shuttle Endeavour. Piggybacked on top of a Boeing 747.

Oh. Yes. Ma'am. It. Happened.

Well, I may not be the only person who has ever done that, but since no one else there was taking multiple pictures of their nails next to the orbiter, I'm going to guess it's pretty rare. I take this nail polish business seriously! While I certainly stuck out like an Asian girl taking NOTD pics next to astronauts, it was a unique way to mark the day and say goodbye to the Endeavour.
Galaxy nails can be a hit-and-miss, you never really know what you're going to get when you start messing around with it. To create this look, I used Orly Royal Navy as my base, and splashes of Orly Space Cadet, Sally Hansen Forsythia, Sinful Colors Citrine,  and Cover Girl City Light. Sparkly!

The Endeavour has since left the Space Coast, having made a farewell tour before traveling to its permanent home at the California Science Center. Those of you in certain parts of the US may have seen it fly overhead. I was left with an odd suntan from the straps of my sandals, a souvenir mug and keychain, and the memories of an amazing, once-in-a-lifetime experience. I think that's as close to out of this world as I'll ever get. Keep reaching for the stars! 
* * *
When not jumping for OOTD pics on NiftyBa.com, Ali changes her nail polish every day and chooses the perfect outfit to match and then jump in. More often than not, you can find Ali nomming at food trucks with her husband, book wrangling at the public library, and hugging massive orange kittens.

  A huge thanks to Ali for this awesome and fun post! 

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