Ways to Keep Up with LTHP!!


  Google reader is going bye-bye on July 1st... ... But don't worry!! Here is a list of ways to keep up with the LTHP nonsense!

*Bloglovin'- http://www.bloglovin.com/letthemhavepolish


*Instagram- @L_T_H_P #officialletthemhavepolish

*Twitter- https://twitter.com/L_T_H_P

*YouTube- http://www.youtube.com/user/LetThemHavePolish

*Pinterest- http://pinterest.com/lthp

*Tumblr- http://letthemhavepolish.tumblr.com/

*Beautylish- http://www.beautylish.com/letthemhavepolish

Ok, I'm pretty sure those are all the major social media outlets I whore myself out on lolol! Make sure you are following me on at least one (or all) of them so come July 1st you are good to go on your LTHP fix!!

Good night my loves!!

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