Milani Fall Fashion Nail Trends Project and an Update

Hi everyone! 

  I'm back for just a quick post to update you all on the happenings of the past week. The surgery went fine. They found some weirdness and addressed it. Not gonna get into details but basically I am still recovering. I still have a bunch more doctors appointments coming up this week and I still need tons of rest. This coming week, I've asked some of my personal favorite bloggers to guest post for me, and you guys are in for a real treat. I am so excited to share the awesome nail art these ladies have done for us!! 

  Today's post is a recap (I've beens haring these on my Instagram Account) of a project a few bloggers and I paired up with Milani on. It is the Fall Fashion Trends . They created Four different Pinterest Boards, one for each trend, where they share all of our nail art designs. The trends we were to be inspired by were Glamazon, Colorblock, Gilded Rebel and Haute Rod. 
 To see close up's up each look continue reading :D!

Obvi :) all products utilized were Milani. No stamps were allowed. Only Milani polishes and whatever freehand skillz(yeah that's right... with a "z") we happen to have were allowed. Each blogger was asked to come up with at least one look for each trend... I came up with Nine looks total... haha I was inspired las week... I won't go into detail about each mani as I probably should not even be on my computer right now... Kinda medicated ya'll....

My take on Colorblocked.
 Products used: Milani White on the Spot, Black Swift, Jiffy Orange, Gold Jewel FX, Red Jewel FX, Yellow Whiz, Purple Gleam.

Colorblocked 2
 Products used Milani: Totally 80's, Fresh Teal, Jiffy Orange, White on the Spot and Black Swift.

My take on Gilded Rebel
 This is a little tribute to Effie Trinket by the way ;). Products used Milani Fuchsia Jewel FX, Gold Glitz, Gold Jewel FX.

Gilded Rebel Two
 Just a simple layering of Milani Totally 80's, Purple Gleam and Teal Jewel FX. Very Reptar-glam....

My take on Glamazon
 Products used Milani Black Swift, Gold Jewel FX and Milani Red Sparkle.

Glamazon 1 1/2
 (lol) I REALLYLiked how the moons liked by themselves, I still planned on doing the Red glitter sponging on the tips at this point, but I also liked the simpler Gold and Black scheme as well.

Glamazon 2
 Milani Rapid Cherry, Black Swift and Gold Glitz. 

My take on Haute Rod
 Milani Yellow Whiz, Black Swift and Silver Dazzle. Cling-wrap technique.

Haute Rod 2
 Milani Fresh Teal, Black Swiftb and Hot Pink Jewel FX.
 And there you have my take on the Milani Fall Trends. I hope you guys miss me as much as I miss you but I also hope you are enjoying the wonderful guests we have been having from the lovely Beauty Bloggers of Central Florida. I still have one more coming your way later this evening.

Now, you guys should really go check these boards out!!

(**Milani Products provided by PR**)

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