31 Day Challenge 2012! Day 31: Re-create a Mani


  SO sorry I didn't post this earlier today! I had them ready to go and it totally slipped my mind that today was Tuesday!!! I'm caught up in the Holiday haze I guess lol. Too many 3-wick BBW Candle fumes? Anyways! Today is day 31 of the 31 day challenge!! We had quite a few hiccups, we lost a gal, but Sammy and I made it to the end! Battered, bruised and bloody, but we made it (dramatic much? lol) . So for my recreation I actually chose one of Rie's manis.
  I figured since I re-created Sammy's Dior nails for my day 30 nails, that I would pick one of Rie's looks for my final day. Miss Rie was not able to finish the challenge, she did make it pretty far in though. I went with Miss Rie's Tribal manicure. Now... you guys know my hatred of all things tribal right? So yeah, I was pretty much shocked at myself for loving this look so much. Miss Rie was inspired by a fellow nail blogger as well. This is a different take on tribal, and it just stole my heart!
 My base color is Bettina Starfish. The black accents were done with Milani Black Swift. The white accents were done with Milani White on the Spot, and the yellow with Milani Yellow Whiz. The accents of soft Blue are Zoya Jo. I was surprised at how simple this lok was to achieve and how much I loved it! Thank you Miss Rie for the inspiration!!

  So, that is it guys!!! I will be doing a recap post soon with all of the looks. I also want to update my 31 Days of Nail Art tab. I think it will be cool to see what a year of practice can do in terms of improvement.   I'm glad we did the challenge again, even though it took us quite a bit longer than 31 days. We did it!!! Now to focus on some Holiday nail art!! Don't forget to stop by my challenge partners Rie and Sam's to see their looks!

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