Glitter Gal Blue 3D Holographic (Pic heavy)

I wish I had a gallon of this...

  Yeah.. A gallon... I wont say much and get straight to the swatch because this is just too much awesomeness for my brain to process.
 So this is the most amazing Blue holo I own. It also has the lamest name out of all the Blue holos I own. It goes by Blue Holo 3D. Wahh waaahhh.... However, it makes up for its lame name by having extra bits of awesome sprinkled into it and being a super strong linear holo. The best part about this baby? The excellent formula. It applies evenly and smoothly. it is highly pigmented with holo goodness and it does not drag one bit. For these pics I used only Two coats.

I wore this for about Four days and had minimal tip wear and no chips. I am super happy with the wear because it could have probably gone for longer....


The holo is so strong you can even see it come through in crappy lighting.
This beauty and other Glitter Gal awesomesauce is available from Llarowe. Epic WIN tab + One!

Thanks for stopping by!
♥ Cristina

(**Product sent for Review**)

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