A England The Legend Collection Swatches


  Some time ago I posted my Three picks from A England's The Legend Collection. Well when Adina, who is the mastermind behind A England, offered to share the rest of her amazing collection with me I was over the moon and beyond thrilled. Like I said in my original "The Legend" post... This is the collection I've been waiting for to blow me away completely.... I missed out on China Glaze's OMG collection and I was hoping someone else would come along and give us some amazing holographic polishes. A England was listening and she made a collection of Seven amazing polishes, Six of which are holographic finish with some slight duochromes and an amazing Blue shimmer. So, yeah.. Not only did she makes Six amazing holos, some of them have a slight duochrome going on! I'll shut up now and show you pics!
 To see tons of pics keep on reading after the jump!

A England Princess Tears
 Princess Tears is a lovely Lavender linear holographic polish. The holographic finish in this beauty is very strong and very linear. Now I don't know if it was my eyes playing tricks on me but I could see some hints of a very light Green duochrome along with the Lavender base. Just stunning. Amazing Two coat formula.

A England Ascalon
 Hello deep Gunmetal linear holographic... But what! There's more! Oh yeah... How do you make a Deep Grey holo better? You add a flash of Violet duochrome in there! The duochrome in this color is very strong as well as the linear holo finish. This color has an amazing formula as well. I did Two coats but I could have gotten away with one coat.

A England Bridal Veil
 Bridal Veil is a very deep and saturated Black scattered holo polish. The holographic in Bridal Veil is more of a shimmer than a linear finish. This is a great shade and there is something dark and sexy about it. Amazing Two coat formula.

A England Order of the Garter
 This one is the shimmer in the collection. It is a very fine micro shimmer that builds up to opacity in Three thin and effortless coats. This color has a lot of depth and it is so very vibrant and just beautiful and perfect for the coming Summer months.

These following Three pretties I've posted about previously so I will not be going into detail about each color individually but see [THIS] post if you want details :D.

A England Dragon

A England Princess Sabra (Tristam Eyes)

A England St. George
And there you have one of the best collections of 2012 so far. I cannot wait to see what else the beautiful and talented Adina from A England has in store for us. I mean seriouslu, just look at this collection! How could you not get excited about her future creations? My personal challenge to you Adina, if you are reading, I'd love to see what you can do with some glitters and Flakies :D. You've already proven your mastering of the Holographic arts. Now I wanna see you go Glitteratti! <3!!

(**Products provided  for review**)

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