A Quick Swatch and a Huge Thanks

Hi lovely readers,

  When I was typing up yesterday's post I never expected to get the reaction I did from you guys. I want to tell you all from the very bottom of my heart how much your kind words mean to me. Your support and your stories really touched me. I received so many emails from so many of you with the nicest comments ever and I could not help but to feel better. How could I not? To know so many people care in your own way is an overwhelming feeling. You all remind me why I stay strong and why I fight every day. Yesterday's feedback reminded me why it is that I do what I do for this blog. All the hard work that sometimes feels like too much is really worth it.
  Yesterday was a particularly rough day and I felt like it was finally time for you guys to know me as I really am and not just my nails (and now eyes). I feel like by opening up to my readers about my struggles it actually took so much pressure off my shoulders. As silly as it may sound blogging about nail polish really does make me feel good about myself. I take a lot of pride in my blog. So many of you told me that coming here brings a little bit of joy to your day. Who am I to take that away from you guys? A lot of you shared your very own struggles to let me know I am not alone and I could not appreciate that more. We all know we are not alone but it can really feel that way when you are struggling with depression. You all have my deepest most heartfelt gratitude for being so supportive. To me... A total stranger. You guys may not realize it but your words really do mean so much to me. I urge any and all of my readers who are struggling with depression and anxiety to please talk to someone about it. A friend, a relative, your doctor.... Your entire blog following... Someone! Please don't hold anything in because IT DOES NOT HELP!

  With that in mind I've decided to show you guys a swatch of a recent CVS purchase. Green is the color of depression awareness, it only seemed fitting that I post this beautiful polish today.
 This is Sally Hansen Electric Emerald. This color comes from SH's magnetic polish line. This is probably my most beautiful magnetic polish. I have ICING's Green magnetic but that one leans much more Golden. I love this one because it is a true Emerald Green. The magnetic effect creates waves in a lighter Green. For this manicure I applied one coat of color and on the Second pass I used the magnet. This color has a great formula and it pretty much applies itself. Big win for me.
  Thank you all so much! Tomorrow is Mr. LTHP's B-day so we will be out and about celebrating and having a good time. Repti-Con is in Tampa this weekend and we love to see all the awesome reptiles they bring to these shows. I decided I will be taking a little break but I will be doing some scheduled posts since I have SO MUCH material to show you guys. It will be a little mental vacation. I will be seeing my doctor soon and start incorporating some form of exercise into my daily routine. I have a lot to stay well for...

  So again I say.. THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH for your kindness and your advice and your loving words. I don't think I will ever be able to communicate to you all how much this all means to me.

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