O.P.I Black Spotted #RAOK

Good afternoon my loves!! 

  Today I have the very elusive O.P.I Black Spotted. The migratory patterns of the Black Spotted.... Lolol Just kidding! This topped was released in France and some other countries in Europe and us US gals flipped our shiz wondering when it would come to the states. Doesn't look like O.P.I has any intentions of bringing it here :(. So anyways, I pouted and went all "Veruca Salt" and an amazingly lovely girl from France came to my rescue and surprised me with a bottle of Black Spotted. 
  I layered Black Spotted over Nicole by O.P.I Mer-maid for Eachother. Don't these looks like some kinda of gem or stone? Black Spotted is nothing like crackles in application. First off, you have to wait for you base color to be 100% dry. If your base color is not fully dry the spotted will not work properly. It will crack or not spot at all. Second, the instructions say to apply a VERY thin coat. I'm going to elaborate on this.... Apply a VERY VERY VERY thin coat. Like tap the brush to where it seems almost dry before you put it on the nail.
  The effect is immediate, unlike crackle where you kind of have to wait for the cracks to appear. You can't really go over the same spot many times or you might thicken up the spotted and not get the effect at all. It took me quite a few tries before I got the hang of it, but when I finally did the effect was AMAZING.
 I want to take a second to thank the lovely @Didoline for helping me to get this most elusive polish! I wanna do a few more looks with this to really get the hang of it.

Now guys... Seriously.. THIN coats!!

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