#AwesomeNailsAreAwesome Guest Week!! Featuring Amanda of Fashion Footing

Good Morning lovely readers!!! 

  This week of guest awesomesauce continues with Amanda of Fashion Footing. So for this guest week I hand-picked a lot of the gals you are seeing. BUT I also wanted to give a chance to some bloggers to come on board and get some exposure. SO! I asked for some volunteers on Twitter, only to be bombarded (in the best way possible) by girls who wanted to guest post for me. That was such a heart warming surprise. Amanda was one of the first to reply and she has been a follower and supporter of LTHP for a long time so it only made sense to have her on board for this week of awesomeness! 
Hey guys!

 I am so honored that Cris is letting me show my little nails to you guys on her blog! The very first blog I started following when I was getting really into nail polish was LTHP, so this is a little bit surreal!!
It took me a while to think of what I wanted to do for this post. I don't stamp and my freehand nail art skills are... well... basically non-existent! What I do best is glitter. Glitter glitter glitter But I didn't want just a plain glitter manicure. I mean, this is Let Them Have Polish. You guys are accustomed to quality and creativity! So I took some time to think.
 Then I decided to do a glequin manicure. Glequins are glitter sequins; Sammy the Nailasaurus named them glequins, because who wants to say Glitter Sequins all the time?
ANYWAY, this is my glequin manicure!

 I started with a base of Wet n Wild Black Creme, my go to black. One coat people! Then I placed the glequins on the nail, one by one. My pinky was definitely my favorite but I am not a terribly patient person so there was no way that was going to happen on all of the nails! LOL

 Well, I hope that you enjoyed my glequins and thank you Cris for letting me guest post! I can't wait to see what you've come up with when you get back! :-) 


  I LOVE GLEQUINSSS!!! And I love Amanda's use of Glequins here. I have a ton of glequins that I'm just dying to play with and seeing Amanda's post only intensifies that urge(lolol "urge" like glitter is some kind of drug.... bahahah.. wait...????... Is it?) I love how she did her ring finger mosaic style. So playful and awesome! Thank you so much for the sparkly nail art Amanda!! 

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