Are you Givin' Me the Lip?

Why, yes, yes I am! 

  LOL.. Ok So I am pretty petrified about this post. I have no idea why.... It's mah mouf! Remember a while back when I did [THIS] Milani lippy post? I showed arm swatches because at the time I was just NOT into lipstick, or just plain intimidated by it I suppose. That very day I resolved to get over that silliness. I started experimenting with lippies and practicing my application, taking photos, etc. 
  I realized that a nicely done lip really does complete "the look". I've also found confidence in bold lips. All of a sudden I don't feel right unless my pout is coated in bright color. I find that I feel most comfortable in BRIGHT shades in the Pink family, but I have been expanding to Red's and even Plums. SO! I wanted to share with you guys some random lippy swatches to start getting comfortable with doing these types of posts.

To see some lippy closeups just continue reading  ♥. 
Please be gentle lolol!!! Oh and, ok, So I used to have lip piercings (which I miss terribly). That is why I have little dents under my lower lip lo!

Orange and Pink
 I this photo I am wearing Two of Revlon's Kissable Balm Stains. I LOVE THOSE!! If you have not tried the Revlon Just Bitten Kissable Balm Stains yet, you totally need to change that. [HERE] is a great post about these suckers! This look features Rendezvous on my Cupid's bow and center of bottom lip and Lovesick on the corners of my lips. I loved how this looked, very tropical and juicy. The bonus with the stains is that the look lasted, pretty much, all day. I had to do minimal re-touching of the colors. 

Matte Pinkness
 I am a little frustrated at this photo because IRL this lip was quite a bit brighter. For this look I started with a "base" of Revlon Balm Stain in Sweetheart. I followed the stain with my NYX Soft Matte Creme lip color in Addis Abbaba. Doing this layering gave me a pretty, bright Pink satiny lip. I am a huge fan of NYX products, especially their matte lip colors. Both the matte lipsticks and the matte cremes are fab! 

butter LONDON Primrose Hill Picnic
I reviewed this lip color [HERE]. I feel like this is worth mentioning again though.. BL Lippies have waaaay too strong of a scent for me. Sometimes it can even make me nauseous. I don't wear them very often for this reason and this reason alone. It is a shame because I LOVE the shades I own (Snog, Trout Pout and this pretty). I also really love the wear, texture and pigmentation on their lip products. I just wish they would tone down the smell. 

AJ Crimson Kissable Couture in Mysterious
 I freaking love my AJ Crimson Lip colors! One of my favorite things in life is an opaque lip color that applies and feels like a gloss. Enter Kissable Couture. I was introduced to the line at The Makeup Show Orlando. While there a group of us were visiting at the AJ Crimson booth and one of the MUA's (George McKenney) started putting lip colors on some of the girls. He picked Mysterious for me and the second I saw it on me I had to have it! The texture on this lip color is some kind of dream, it applies SO smoothly and evenly. These have a scent but it is very light and it does not linger. 

AJ Crimson Kissable Couture in Fantasies
 For this look I put down a light base of Revlon Balm Stain in Romantic. I followed my base with Kissable Couture in FantasiesThis is my favorite shade of Red at the moment. I love it because it is a true Candy Apple Red. There are no Orange undertones, no Pink undertones. Just classic RED! I had to get this one after seeing it on my lovely friend Judi! 

Lime Crime Opaque Lipstick in Centrifuchsia
This is another shade that was quite brighter in person (I need to find better lighting for my lip photos). I LOVE this shade! I really wish I had a more accurate photo because this shade is beautiful! I had no issues with application. I actually found it quite smooth and even. The scent is a soft Vanilla but it does not linger. The wear on this lip color is absolutely ridic!!!! My lips were still stained Pink the morning after lol! 

Lime Crime Opaque Lipstick in Poisonberry
Behold! My first ever lip color lemming! Poisonberry is my perfect shade of Plum! I love it because it is clearly Purple. I don't like Blackened or Maroon plums as I am not into the Goth look, and it does not suit me. Poisonberry has the perfect Pink undertones that allow it to remain distinctly Purple no matter how much you keep layering it. I had no issues with application and once again the wear was absolutely amazing! I got so many complements on this shade and I cannot wait to wear it again! I felt sultry and just plain hot lol! 
 And just for fun here is a shot of the #FOTD that accompanied this lip color. This look is the result of my listening to Lana Del Rey while doing my makeup haha. Do you listen to music while doing your makeup? Do you find it influences your end look? It always seems to do so for me haha.
 So, if you made it this far, thank you for reading my first lippy post!! This was really fun to work on and it's always an experience posting about something new (to me anyways:). 

  So, do any of these shades stand out to you?

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