Milani Textured Nail Polish in Shady Gray

(**Press Sample**)
Happy Friday!! 

 Today I have the One shade I did not get to show you guys when I did my Milani Textured Skittles Post. That pretty was Shady Gray. Way back, when LTHP was a baby blog, I was OBSESSED with Grey nail polish. I would pretty much gravitate toward Grey tones any time I was doing an "on the go" mani. Along the way I started loving on bright tones and kinda drifted away from wearing Greys.
  Then last week, I was doing a super rushed mani, and I decided to use Shady Gray because I knew it would go on quickly and look neat. I could not stop staring at my nails and was immediately reminded of my past love affair with Grey nail polish. I loved how sexy and cool my nails looked. There is something about Grey polish that gives me that "cool without trying too hard" feeling. Do you have a shade that does that for you?
 Shady Gray has an amazing formula and that neat concrete-like texture. This picture was taken the day after application. I did Two coats for my manicure and was satisfied with the opacity at that point. Though looking at pictures now some nails could have benefited from a Third thin coat. Alas, I stopped at two coats and called it a day. My nails were dry fairly quick and once again I found the wear on this textured polish to be remarkable.
  I am still not bothered by the texture at all. They are far smoother than I ever thought they would be and I've had zero snagging on clothes, sheets, hair, etc... I am enjoying these textured polishes a lot and I love that the have such amazing wear. For some reason I was expecting all these textured polishes to chip easily.

 I have so many more textured polishes coming your way! I also want to do a massive comp post since so many of you lovelies have requested the different collections be compared to each other.

Thanks for stopping by and happy weekend!!

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