Happy Easter!! Fuzzy Chick Nails

Hi loves happy Sunday and happy Easter to those of you celebrating today!

  I'm not one to really do much Holiday themed nail art, unless it's Christmas. I just really SUCK at keeping track of Holidays and they usually sneak up on me before I've had time do do a themed mani. For once I actually planned a little ahead and was able to do a cute themed mani. Not long ago Jen The Polishaholic featured some fuzzy nails and the second I saw them I HAD to try the techinique out!
 I started with a base of Sinful Colors Unicorn. To create the fuzzies I used some Flocking powder from Michael's in the color Banana. Basically you apply your top coat and while it is still wet you dip your nail in the powder and allow the fuzzies to stick. To get rid of the excess I just blew really hard on the nail. I actually kinda love these. They are not practical at all but who cares!!! They remind me of the baby chicks I used to raise back when I lived with my Grams :D.
They are actually kinda soft and I wish I could stop playing with them because I keep matting down the fuzziness lol. I can't stop staring at these :D. They are so funky!

What do you guys think?

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