Frankens by Polish for Thought

Happy Sunday!!

  Today I have Four lovely frankens that were sent to me by Nicole of Polish for Thought. She sent me some pretty cute creations and left the task of naming them up to me, which was a lot of fun. She wanted me to be "punny" and funny with the names so I did my best to try and live up to her expectations since she gave me awesome colors to work with :D! 
 To see swatches of these pretty frankens just keep on reading :D!

  She makes frankens for fun. I'm not really sure if she plans to open up shop and sell her pretties. In my book, she totally should because these Four pretties she sent are TOO DAMN cute!

Franken Shaken, Not Stirred
 So I named this awesome layering Blue, Shaken, Not Stirred. The name comes from the slight settling with this color. The iridescent round Silvery bits like to settle at the bottom and you have to give this baby a good shake to mix it back up. There are some opalescent flakies in this polish as well as some awesome Pink shimmer. I layered Shaken, Not Stirred over China Glaze Ride the Waves. Doesn't it kind of look like a tall glass of a refreshing drink (that might make you wakeup in a strangers house with a bad reputation looool)?

Franken Teal-Schmeal
 Teal- Schmeal gets its name from the hidden flashes of Violet that my pictures are not entirely showing you. While the dominant color is a dark Peacock Teal there are strong undertones of Violet shimmer. I really love this one because it reminds me of one of my first ever polish loves: Illamasqua Viridian.

Franken No Mermaids Here
 Seems like every color that is slightly sparkly and Teal immediately gets named "Mermaids Something" or "Something Ocean" so... No Mermaids Here just seemed fitting lol. This one is a dense blend of Micro glitter in many different shades of Aqua and Golden as well as opalescent flakies in the mix. I layered No Mermaids Here over Cult Nails Feelin Froggy.

Franken Princess Bubblegum
 So.. I pretty much LOVE Cartoon Network's show Adventure Time. One of the character is named Princess Bubblegum and this pretty creamy Pink glitter reminded me of her. There are some small Blue bits, some Silvery bits and some Silver hexes in this creamy Pink base. This color really does look quite yummy!
  These are just too cute! I want to thank Nicole for sharing her pretty creations with me and for allowing me to name them. I hope she liked my naming skills lol. I really love all the opalescent flakies hiding in her blends. They add a little something extra that makes me go "ooh what's in there". 

Thanks for stopping by!

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