#AwesomeNailsAreAwesome Guest Week! Featuring Jen The Polishaholic

Hi guys!!! 

  Today I have one of the best known nail bloggers ever. The amazing Jen from The Polishaholic. I don't think she needs much of an intro right?! I mean she is the swatching QUEEN and her photos are always to die for. AND she made me into a splatter mani-fiend! Even though Jen has not been a nail blogger for much longer than I have, she is one of the bloggers/blogs that I really look up to and admire. My blog wants to be like Jen's when it grows up! 

Hi guys! 
  I am so excited to do a little guest post for Cris! LTHP is one of my favorite blogs, Cris is always over here making me lem everything while dazzling me with her nail art skills. When she asked me to do a post I had a little panic, doing nail art as a guest post on a blog that always does fantastical nail art is stressful haha! I sat down with about 15 ideas and finally settled on something Fall-ish. Maybe I'm a weirdo but I am so glad it's finally fall, we don't really have seasons in So Cal as it's perpetually summer but at least it's not usually as hot during "fall"! Everything I grab for lately to put on my nails is jewel toned or vampy, I'm obsessed you guys! 
Alright, so back to nail art. I went on a hunt for striping tape to do this, I saw Melissa over at The Daily Nail use it in one of her posts a little bit ago and I had to try something out with it! It seems like something that is good for people like me who fail at nail art. Good news, it's pretty easy to do and I'm loving the results...I'm pretty you will see a ton of mani's like this over on my blog soon since it's easy to do and it's a great way to spruce up a mani that is a couple days old. 
For the base of what I'm calling "Fall Starburst" I started out painting my nails with a coat of Essence Gorgeous Bling Bling, which is a gorgeous burnt orange with flake like golden shimmer! Then I sponged on Essence Call Of The Wild , a dark green with green shimmer, and Sation Rock-A-Guy- Blue, an awesome dark blue creme! There was no pattern or anything, it actually looked quite fug on it's own...I didn't even take photos because I didn't want to remember how ugly that was on it's own. After everything was dry I busted out my striping tape and put 4-5 strips on each nail in a burst kind of pattern and went over it with a coat of China Glaze Kalahari Kiss. Unfortunately I was a little too impatient with my top coat and it smudged some of the lines which of course looks a thousand times worse in a photo using macro than in real life...but I really liked how this turned out!
Hope you all enjoyed my little bit of Fall nail art, big thank you to Cris for having me!

 I am so honored to have Jen on the blog today(Somehow.... I got my blogging GURUS to agree to be on my little corner of the interwebs, even I was surprised when they agreed lol). And how awesome is this look?! Jen brings up a fantastic point about how tape manis are an easy way to spruce up an old mani, or just create eye-catching looks with minimal effort. I LOVE the contrast of the creamy color on top of all the jewel tones. As I told Jen... This mani makes me wish I lived in a state where there actually are seasonal changes... Not just Summer and Summer "light" lol. Thank you so much Jen for this beautiful Fall Starburst! 

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