Lac Attack Magical Musings Collection: Part One

Good Morning! 

  Today I have some swatches of some of the shades Lac Attack and Glitta Gloves teamed up to create. These are shades from the Magical Musings Collection by Lac Attack. This collection was released during the Holidays but the colors are amazing and definitely magical! 
 If you follow me on Instagram you may have seen my ultra nub post. My nails are now shorter than they were in the Floam post from a few days ago :(. I don't mind nubs but they are WAY too short to photograph and need a few days so in the mean time I will share swatches I've stashed away. 

Lac Attack Holidays in Hogsmeade over Aphrodite Lacquers Icing on the Cake over Sation Holiday Golightly
Got all that? lolol So the base shade is Holiday Golightly by Sation. I then did a layer of Aphrodite Lacquers in Icing on the Cake. I then followed that by a coat of Holidays in Hogsmeade. These were the nails I wore on X-mas Day. Holidays in Hogsmeade is an awesome mix of matte glitter particles in Green, White and Red suspended in a clear base.

Lac Attack Holidays in Hogsmeade over A England Holy Grail 
 I really fell on love with Holidays in Hogsmeade and I was finding excuses to wear it as often as possible during the Holidays. It looked AWESOME over A England Holy Grail 2.0. 

Lac Attack Weasley's Wizard Wheezies over Bettina Peaches 'n' Creme
 Weasley's Wizard Wheezies is a vibrant blend of Orange and Marigold Yellow Hexes and Bars in a clear base. The girls did an awesome job with this polish and the inspiration behind it. I will be showing a re-swatch of this soon. I like this layering and it looked great in person but I want to do a combo where you can get a better idea of all the textures and shades in WWW. It is such a FUN glitter topper.

Lac Attack Death Day Party over LVX Prussian
 Death Day Party is a super interesting mix of very fine glassflecks that shift from dark Chocolate to Pink to Copper and Orange- Violet. It is pretty complex and different. I had a hard time figuring out what to layer this over because I had never seen a polish like this one. The second I tried it over Prussian I fell in love.

Lac Attack Felix Felicis over Bettina Gabrielle
  This is a "bonus" swatch haha. This beauty was one of my Top Ten Handmade polishes of 2012.
 I will see you guys tomorrow with more stashy swatches. The second my nails are at an acceptable length I will pick back up with swatching all the new collections and busting out some nail art!! 

 Most of these are currently sold out on the Lac Attack Site but you can follow her on Facebook and Twitter to keep up with shop re-stocks! I will be sharing the rest of the collection soon!

See you guys soon!

(**Products provided for review**)

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