My Best Friend's Wedding Series: The Final Chapter (Pic Heavy)

Hi lovely people!!

  So I am officially back and settled in back home. It was so good to visit Puerto Rico after such a long time without going down there. Today's post is a very special one. Today marks the final chapter in My bestie's wedding series. I am a little sad that this day came and went so fast, but so happy that it happened and that it went so perfectly. I so wanted everything to be just right for this girl. She means the world to me because she is like the sister I never had. We literally grew up together since we were little toddlers and we have always been there for each other. I was SO happy that I could be there for her on her special day with her now loving husband. I know that they will be so happy together. And I am so happy to know that by her side is an amazing man who will take care of her and love her like she deserves. We had such an amazing time spending time together just like old times! This time went by waaaaay to fast.

  This post will be a little pic heavy :D.
  She wore an amazing Maggie Sotero creation that was just stunning!!! Wasn't she the most beautiful bride? I cried so much. And my feet are still crying today... I wore those heels for 10 hours straight. I danced, I walked .. I had the most AMAZING time!

  Here are our nails! I LOOOOVED how hers turned out! And she got so many comments on her nails. The photographer did some really cool hand shots with her gorg bouquet that I cant wait to see! She wanted edgy nails with different looks for each one. We came up with her design together and can i just say how AWESOME they looked in person. We were up until like 1:30 AM the night before the wedding working on nails lol. It was such a fun night! I kept it simple with some glitter layering. By the time I was done working on the bride's nails I was so beat I had to keep mine easy lol!

  Here is us doing our signature pose :D. We've been doing this since we were little! I love her so much!!!

  The bride having a good time with her sweet hubby! Her hubby is such a great person. I am so happy they found each other.

This is me in the bride's room. Yes, her room matched her wedding theme :D. Black and White Polka Dots, Bows and Fuchsia for everyone!! I love this picture!

My hair and make up. Sorry the pic isn't better. The hair and makeup guy was AMAZING. He really made us all look so beautiful. My hair lasted from 1:00 pm wedding day (Nov 19th) until 6:00 pm the next day looool! I couldn't bare to undo my hair lol. I flew home with awesome hair!

   Their cake was amazeballs!! I LOOOVE this picture with the passion! She just looks so radiant and happy!

Myself (I was her maid of honor), The Bride and Yinet the wedding Godmother. Lizy and Oscar married the traditional Catholic way. I love Yinet too! She is so funny and just a great person. She has been there for Lizy when I couldn't be. I am so happy that they were surrounded by people that love them so much!
 Well this post marks the end of the series. Now I need a new project! This was an amazing day. I am still in awe of everything and I cannot wait to see the official pictures!! I know they will be great together and I hope they have a blasty blast on their cruise honeymoon! Lizy, I LOVE YOU GIRL!!!!! I can't wait to see you again!!

Thank you so much for stopping by today!!
♥ Cristina

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