31 Day Challenge 2012! Day Five: Blue Nails

Thursday already?! Yay for that! 

  Today Miss Sam, Miss Rie and myself are taking on the Fifth prompt in the 31 Day Challenge. Today's task is Blue nails. I won't ramble too much today. Yesterday was one of those days that really try your patience... My camera even decided that it didn't want to work for like an hour for no reason at all.. it was strange. I was pretty tired I really did not know what direction I wanted to take this look in so I finally pulled out my "glequins"( as so dubbed by Miss Sam herself) and did a simple, but pretty Blue look. 
 The base color is Glitter Daze in My White Lighter. This is a most beautiful pale Blue creamy/shimmery base packed full of micro Aqua shimmer and smaller Aqua colored Hexes. I managed to build up the color to full opacity at Three coats and the formula is really good. MWL dries a little gritty and dull but a good top coat will take care of that and bring out the beautiful sparkle. There is one more neat thing about this polish... It GLOWS in the dark. I did some glequin accents in a light Blue color to play off of the smaller glitter in the polish itself. 

 Isn't My White Lighter just angelic?! This polish is part of Etsy Shop Glitter Daze's A Charmed Halloween Collection. 

 Now here is a crappy shot of what it looks like in the dark. It is insanely glowy and awesome. You don't even have to be in full darkness to see the base glowing. I couldn't believe my eyes when I stepped into the dark, I kept waving my hands around like a raver lolol.  
 And there you have my Blue nails for day Five. I wonder what Sam and Rie are up to today! Don't forget to stop by my challenge partners Rie and Sam's to see their Blue looks for day Five! 

  Thanks for stopping by!

(**GD product provided for review**)

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