#AwesomeNailsAreAwesome Guest Week! Featuring Sarah of Chalkboard Nails

Happy Sunday!! 

  I'm kinda sad guest week is ending! I wish I could feature even more talented, amazing bloggers. But now it's time to get back to biz! I hope you guys missed me, these girls have made it SO hard for me to come back with a bang lol! I mean, just go back through the past Two weeks of guest posts and there is so much beautiful, perfect work done by my fellow beauty/ nail bloggers. I'm gonna have to sit down and think really hard about what I'ma do to wow you guys back into loving me hahahaha!
  SOOO! Today's guest is a blogger is one that I look up to, quite honestly. Sarah of Chalkboard Nails may not have been around the blogging scene for long, but we all know who she is! I mean this girl, literally, burst into the nail art scene with designs that are so out-of-the-box, creative use of techniques and AMAZINg freehand skills. There is no stopping Sarah when it comes to busting out some unique and eye-catching nail art... Needless to say... I just HAD to have her on to finish out a week of amazing manicures! 

Hello everyone! I'm so pleased to have been given the opportunity to write a guest post for the lovely Cristina. I hope you all enjoy what I've put together!
 I started off this manicure with a base of OPI Nein! Nein! Nein! Ok Fine! I love the color because its dark and moody without being pitch black. Then, using a small nail art brush and OPI Alpine Snow, I painted on some tiny petals, grouping them together to create a random large flower pattern on all of my nails. The manicure actually looked pretty cool at this point, but I did want to add just a bit more detail to it. After cleaning off my nail art brush, I added some coral detailing in the middle of the petals using theBalm Coral Reef-ined
I'm very pleased with the way this came out! It kind of looks like a vintage-style pattern to me, like something you'd find on a gorgeous full skirted 50's dress or something. And really, can you go wrong with floral print? I think not. :)
Thank you all for reading, and thank you Cristina for asking me to be in your guest post lineup!
  This week would have been incomplete without Sarah's amazing nails and nail art. I can't thank enough, all of the ladies who agreed to post for me while I was gone, and I hope I can repay the favor some day ;D. I am starting to feel almost normal again. But anywho, thank you Sarah for taking from your time to do this guest post for the LTHP crowd! 

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