Nails by Cris! Featuring Jen's Jem-Picasso's!

Hi loves!!

  So my friend Jen is now a total polish fiend thank to yours truly *curtsies* lol. Last time I did a massive purge Jen got most of the polishes and she and her awesome little girl have been having some fun with colors! I love creating polish fiends, and future ones too! So anyways, Jen came over some time last week and got a kick ass layered mani done by moi. There was SO much going on and yet it all worked perfectly! We though they were a littlle Jem and a little Picasso so Jen named her her Jem-Picassos :D!
  She also wanted to rock some awesome rings for her photos so I went into my LTHP polish ring stash and she chose a ring I made out of China Glaze Luxe and Lush and Midtown Magic (oval) and a ring I made using several Bettina Disco Collection Colors (round). LOVE how the rings complete this look!
   Ok, so we started with a base of Lime Crime in Milky Ways on all nails except the thumb and Ring Finger, which got a base of Sation Shock me Twice Pink. On the white nails we also did a thin layer of Julie G My Private Palace to give the nails some extra bling. On the Pink nails we did a topper of Lush Lacquer in Salt n Peppa. On the White nails we topped it off with Sparkles by Julie in Graffiti. Graffiti is an amazing blend of Black hexes and bars with shards in Blue, Red and Yellow. It is such a bold, fun and eye-catching polish. Surprisingly easy to work with. These looked SO freaking awesome!!! And I am so glad I have finally convinced Jen that nubs are better than acrylics any day!! Shorties all the way!!!

  Here is a shot of all polishes used.

And here is a neato macro of Jen's and mine favorite nail :D!
 I love working on Jen's nails because this girl is just so much fun to hang out with and she always lets me do what I want with her nails :D! 

Aren't these like a party on your nails!! 

(**Some products provided for review**)

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