Zoya Ornate Collection- Holiday 2012 Swatches

Hello and dreadful Monday.... 

  But, you know what would make any Monday better? This Holiday Collection by Zoya!!! Glassfleck holos, dense metallic shimmers and even an obnoxiously awesome bar glitter... Sign me up for that! This collection of Six colors is one of the strongest groups I have seen Zoya release in a while. This might also be one of the more anticipated Holiday collections, definitely the first one to make its way to me. I am over the moon with this collection and shall rant more about how much I LOVE these as the post goes on. 
 One of the biggest things that got me with this collection is that they are not your typical "Holiday Colors". Do they scream Holiday? In my opinion, absolutely! Think of chic New York store decorations, etc... They are shimmery, rich and truly "Ornate"(Ahhhh ahhh see what I did there lolol). Ultimately I love that it is not a collection full of Red cremes and  Green mediocrity. I bow down to the brilliant Zoya Fairies who worked on this collection. So! Onto the colors!

Zoya Aurora
 Aurora was an immediate stand-out for me. Aurora is the most perfect shade of medium Red toned Purple dense "jelly" packed full of small Holographic glassfleck. This polish is just perfection in every way. In the right light the holographic effect is almost linear. I can tell you that I have not had a Purple polish blow me away like Aurora did in a very long time. Formula- wise this color is easy to work with and does best in Three thin coats. If you love Purple... You will absolutely need this beautiful polish.

Zoya Logan
 Where do I even start?! So beautiful... Should have sent a poet.... (lolol the realms of my nerdiness knows no bound). So! Logan! It is the most perfect shade of darkened Emerald green micro shimmer that all blends beautifully to create a foil- like surface. This shade of Green has quite a bit of Blue in it so it makes it a very unique shade of Green. There is also a fine Golden micro shimmer laced in with the Green that warms up the colors and gives it a perfect Holiday glow. I could have done with Two coats but I went with Three thinner coats instead.

Zoya Storm
 Storm is a simple black creamy-jelly packed full of Holographic Glassflecks. The look is very cosmic and twinkly with Storm. Where Storm differs from other "Twinkly blacks" is in those glassflecks. generally colors like these are packed in small to micro glitter that can make the surface of the polish gritty or bumpy. There is non of that with Storm, every glassfleck lays flat and the surface is smooth and shiny. Storm does best in Three thin coats.

Zoya Electra
  Electra is for the BOLD! Electra is made up of TONS of fine bar glitters, Silver Holographic in finish, suspended in a clear base. I'm sure this is more meant to be layered but as you can see, it definitely achieves full coverage on it's own. How many coats you ask? Only Three! My nails looked like they were covered in shredded tinsel and I was loving every second of it!

Zoya Electra over Zoya Logan
 I just HAD to see it over Logan. I know Halloween has not even passed but doesn't looking at this make you wish for the Holidays to get here faster!?

Zoya Blaze
  Blaze is a saturated Raspberry jelly base packed full of those same Holo glassflecks we saw in Aurora and Storm. They could be called sister polishes, just in different tones. Blaze practically applies itself. This color could be worn at just Two coats but I did Three for photos. Blaze is like holographic Velvet.

Zoya Ziv
  Last but most def not least is the stunning Ziv. Oh.My.Wow! Ziv is a very warm shade of Gold foil accented by, what looks to me like, coppery micro glassflecks and even small Gold flakes. And here I was thinking all Gold foils are pretty much the same.. WRONG! Ziv is out of this world! The amazing thing about this color is that the finish is practically Chrome-like but it is SO much more beautiful and refined than any other Golden metallic polish that has been released this Fall season. For Ziv I used Two coats.

  Bet you forgot it was Monday didn't you!? Aren't these just amazing! I never hold my breath when I see Press Releases, but I knew from the get-go that this collection by Zoya was going to blow me away. There really isn't much more to say that I have not already said. Individually and as a group, these colors are to die for and very much unique in my collection (that alone is a feat as my collection is... o.O). These are the types of shades that the nail polish community will talk about years from now and still be in total awe of their beauty.

  The Ornate Collection is available now from Zoya.com. The set retails for $48 and each individual color for $8.00. If I had to pick faves I'd def go for Aurora, Logan, Ziv and Electra.

*golf clap for Zoya* Brava Faries! Brava!!

(**Zoya Ornate collection provided for review**)

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