31 Day Challenge! Day 20- Watermarbled Nails

Hi loves!!

  Holy smokes! Day 20!!! I'm so not ready for Inspiration Week.. o.O.. But I was super eager to get working on my water marble for today's task. I went with a Halloween theme since LTHP has been lacking in the Holiday Spirit lol... I'm really happy with how these turned out for banging them out in 15 min.... Behold! lol
  I started with a base of Bettina Clouds and then marbled with the colors pictured below. I topped it all off with a coat of SV followed by my mandatory coat of INM Northern Lights. I just can't get enough of the hint of sparkle it adds.

Jacked up my index finger a little but I can live with it lol!
So that was fun! Now.. to go pick a color to be "inspired by..... lol" Don't forget to check out Sam and Rie's blogs to see their Watermarbled nails!

Thanks for stopping by!
♥ Cristina

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